Walking through the Ho Chi Minh City, you’ll surely be greeted by a variety of great smells. Sizzling woks and bubbling oils may lure the most reluctant into trying out some of the wonderful dishes that are being prepared in Saignon. Service apartments in Ho Chi Minh City are not hard to find since Somerset Chancellor Court Ho Chi Minh City offers the most ideal Ho Chi Minh City serviced apartments to lodge in while exploring the many delicacies that this region has on offer. There really are two rules to eating at Ho Chi Minh City. Eat where the locals are eating and look for stalls where you can see the food being cooked. However, most of the food spots are street carts and holes in the walls which add to the whole ambiance of the place. Most dishes available here consist of rice, seafood, pork and egg. Be sure to try Com Tam which is a broken rice dish which is very popular in Vietnam. Vietnam also offers very good coffee which can be obtained almost anywhere in Ho Chi Minh City. Another popular dish that can be seen right throughout is a dish of tiny snails offered with a coconut butter which one has to eat with safety pins. However, a visit to Ho Chi Minh would not be complete without trying the Banh mi which in Vietnamese really means all kinds of bread. This bread is usually served in the form of a sandwich along with grilled chicken, steamed or roasted pork belly, sliced cucumber, coriander, pate, pickled carrots, Vietnamese sausage and shredded daikon. The most commonly offered condiments along with this is cheese, chilli sauce and sliced chillies. Rice paper rolls, noodles and pho, a noodle soup that most people associate with Vietnam are also dishes that simply must be tries when in Ho Chi Minh City.
Jayani Senanayake is a writer who dabbles in travel and all things exotic. Under the pseudonym of Calliope Sage, she writes of the allures that must simply be discovered.
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