foods arrangements for business events

Organizing corporate events require intense planning to the minute detail. These preparations can be daunting if left to the last minute. Here are a few tips to remember in order to avoid last minute panic attacks.




Have a rough head count and always prepare for more to turn up, as it always better to have more space than less. Thus make sure seating, food and other facilities are prepared for more people than your estimated amount.


Time plan


Make a plan of everything you need beforehand with the estimated time duration for each activity such as catering, decorations, flowers. As most event guides in event blogs such as Events and Festivals Blog might suggest it is important to assign days to complete each task and check it off the list.




When trying to discuss a serious commercial resolution, the last thing you need is someone without a plate or a glass. Your corporate event venue, will provide the required utensils, glassware and cutlery based on your requirement, although it doesn’t hurt to double check.




Don’t be ashamed to get help. Make sure you have plenty of catering staff, decorating staff and serving stuff giving you freedom to focus on the corporate matters at hand.


Intrigued by history, art and food, Lavinia Woolf is a writer who is passionate about the extraordinary and writes of the exhilarating and enchanting. Google+