Health Benefits of Eating Bananas
Bananas, the Underdog of Super-Foods
Bananas are definitely something that is taken for granted by most of the human race. These fruits are available almost anywhere in the world. They are grown mostly in tropical countries and as a result are one of the most abundant fruits in Sri Lanka, available in any supermarket such as Keells Super. Bananas are packed with a plethora of nutrients and health-benefits, this makes their inclusion in an individual’s regular diet will contribute a great deal towards health.
A factor of bananas that is largely unknown is their ability to moderate blood-sugar levels, especially unripe bananas. Bananas, contain high amounts of pectin which is a fibre. When pectin is combined with resistant starch, a substance that is abundant in unripe bananas, it works in regulating blood-sugar levels. As a result it comes as no surprise that these fruits are ranked quite low on the glycemic index, which showcases a food’s ability to increase blood pressure.
Bananas are strong antioxidants, which are foods that increase health through the removal of oxidizing agents that can harm living organisms. These components have been known to reduce the risk of various ailments such as heart-disease and a variety of degenerative diseases.
If you’re looking to lose weight or pursue a rigorous fitness regiment, then bananas are an essential dietary asset. Bananas are very low in calories which mean that consuming them will fill you up and enable you to manage appetite. They are very popular among athletes since they provide easily digestible carbohydrates which are used for energy, while also working to suppress cramps associated with fitness that affect more than 90% of the general population.
In a world where all sorts of fruits are contaminated with various substances such as pesticides, bananas still remain risk-free since they require minimal chemical treatment due to their thick peels that cover the flesh within.
With a variety of unforeseen benefits, bananas are definitely one of the greatest foods in the world and a definite super-food. Be sure to incorporate them into your diet.

Intrigued by history, art and food, Lavinia Woolf is a writer who is passionate about the extraordinary and writes of the exhilarating and enchanting. Google+
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