Separated from the rest of Oman by expansive karsts and desert, the southwestern region of Dhofar showcases a unique landscape and culture, scented by frankincense trees and salty ocean air. Experience a palate shaped by the land, sea, and a fascinating history as a trading monopoly, with some must-try dishes from Salalah, Dhofar’s capital, and beyond.

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Streetside Fateeha

In addition to most places in North Africa, this local favourite dominates the streets of Dhofar. Fateeha, a flatbread similar to a pancake, is versatile enough to be enjoyed with various fillings, such as cheese, honey, or minced meat. It’s a delicious and affordable option for a quick and satisfying meal.

Mishkak – A Taste of Barbecue

Savour the smoky goodness of Mishkak, grilled skewers of marinated meat, typically lamb, chicken, or camel at restaurants in Salalah. These tender and flavourful skewers are a popular choice for a casual and satisfying meal, often enjoyed with fresh salads and traditional Omani bread. Camel Mishkak is typically accompanied by various sides of camel, including camel stock and camel-based gravy. Experience the art of Omani grilled delicacies, whether at a seaside tent near Mirabat harbour, or a Friday night Omani Buffet at Al Baleed Resort Salalah by Anantara.

Madhbi – A Dhofar Speciality 

Influenced by the flavours of neighbouring Yemen, paired with a cooking technique that’s been perfected for centuries, Madhbi captures the essence of Dhofar, and is beloved by the entire country. Marinated strips of chicken are seared on hot rocks only found in wadis flowing with water, resulting in a succulent meat dish served on a bed of fragrant Arabic rice.

Frankincense Ice-Cream & Teas

Cool off with a unique dessert experience – Frankincense ice cream. This unconventional flavour, derived from the aromatic resin that defined Salalah’s identity for centuries, offers a taste of Oman’s natural treasures. Complement your sweet treat with a refreshing cup of frankincense-infused honey tea, a popular beverage in the region known for its refreshing, soothing flavour.